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英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学Unit7 课件(八年级)(6份)

阅读:269 次  我要评论(0)  收藏  2012/7/19 8:25:15
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1   英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学《Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?:1a-1c》课件(八年级) 点击查看
2   英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学《Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?:Period 2》课件(八年级) 点击查看
3   英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学《Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?:Period 3》课件(八年级) 点击查看
4   英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学《Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?:Period 4》课件(八年级) 点击查看
5   英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学《Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?:Period 5》课件(八年级) 点击查看
6   英语:湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学《Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?:Review》课件(八年级) 点击查看
     来源:教学资源网  编辑:songweiwei  返回顶部  关闭页面  
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