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课 题 Module 6 Eating together 课时 第一课时 Unit 1 When is the school-leavers’ party?
  课型 New
教学目标 知识目标 1. 学习并掌握下列词汇:
calendar; balloon; heat; fork; spoon; cheeseburger; invitation; paint; knife; Italian; in fact; heat up; no good; be made with
2. 掌握以下句型:
①It’ll be held on 30th of May.
②And I was asked to bring some balloons and paint some pictures for the party.
③We can heat it up in the school kitchen, but it should be cooked at home.
④But it’s eaten everywhere in England.
 能力目标 能够运用所学的被动语态谈论制订计划或写邀请函
 情感目标 通过学习邀请函和准备聚会的对话, 使学生在生活中学会制订计划并做好相关准备
教学重点 1. Make a dialogue about making plans for a party
2. Understand the Passive Voice
教学难点 The use of the Passive Voice
课前预习 Preview the new words
教学方法 Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; Communicative approach
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记
Step 1
Lead in Show some pictures and teach new words. What food and drink do we usually prepare for the party or eat at the party? Look at the pictures and learn some new words.  创设情境, 利用话题导入新课; 通过展示图片学习新单词, 形象生动, 容易激发学生的学习兴趣。
Step 2
Listening 1. Let students read the invitation in Activity 1 first.
2. Play the tape.
3. Check the answers.  1. Listen and complete the invitation in Activity 1.
2. Correct the answers 通过听力练习, 在语境中呈现和导入目标语言。
Step 3
Fast reading First let students read the conversation in Activity 2. Complete the notes.
 Dish Made with. . .
Lingling hot and
sour soup chicken and vegetables
Betty cheeseburgers hamburgers and cheese
Daming jiaozi Not mentioned in the passage
Tony pizza cheese, tomato and ham
 Read the conversation in Activity 2 loudly, and then fill in the notes.  通过朗读练习和完成笔记, 在语境中体会叙述被动语态的用法。

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