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课 题 Module 5 Look after yourself 课时 第三课时Unit 3 Language in use
  课型 Grammar
教学目标 知识目标 掌握各种时态的含义、标志词及其结构
 能力目标 能够运用所学的各种时态描述某次事故或给别人提有关于保持健康的建议
 情感目标 通过描述某起事故和保持健康的建议, 使学生在生活中注意安全, 掌握相关的安全知识和保健知识
教学重点 Understand the kinds of tenses
教学难点 The use of the kinds of tenses
课前预习 Preview the new sentenses about the tenses
教学方法 Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; Communicative approach
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记
Step 1
Lead in 1. Have students read the sentences:
I think it’s going to rain.
He was running along the steps when he fell over.
He’s hit his head and his leg hurts. I think he’s broken his leg.
Who’s missing?
Will I live?
Here are five rules for a healthy life.
2. Try to speak out the rules.  1. Read the sentenses.
2. Try to speak out the rules.  学习本模块的典型句子, 为语法的学习作铺垫; 同时, 学会归纳总结。
Step 2
Grammar Lead students to learn the grammar.
(See the PPT) Learn the grammar and make notes.  进一步学习语法, 培养归纳总结和做笔记的习惯和技能。
Step 3
Exercise 1. Let students do the exercises in Activities 1 and 2.
Lingling: Are you (1)planning (plan) to join a summer camp, Daming?My friend (2)went(go) to one of those last year. He said he (3)got up(get up) at 6 am every day!
Daming: Yes, I’m not very happy about getting up early, but I do (4)love (love) sports and often (5)do (do) exercise, so it’ll be worth it.
Lingling: There’s a lot of football. You’ll like that.
Daming: Yes, I’ve (6)played(play) football for many years. I (7)have (have) good football skills, but I hope I can learn even more at the camp!
2. Check the answers.  1. Do the exercises.
2. Correct the answers.  利用学习的新语法, 练习抓住关键词和解决问题的能力。

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