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专题03 完形填空之议论文



Part 1考情分析


议论文是中考完形填空中较难的一种文体,一般由三个要素组成:论点、论据、结论。要做好议论文类的完形填空,最重要的是抓住作者的论点。不同的议论文论点的提出方式往往不同,大体有以下三种情况:(1) 开门见山地提出论点。有些议论文在文章的一开始就提出论点,然后再通过具体的论据去论证论点。有时候既有正面的论据,也有反面的论据。最后总结全文。(2) 导入式提出论点。有些议论文会先叙述生活中的一件具体的事情或描述生活中的现象,然后根据事情或现象所反映的问题提出自己的论点,最后用具体的论据去论证自己的论点。(3) 最后提出论点。在有些议论文中,一开始作者仅仅是列举生活中的现象,而不表明自己的观点。



 Part 2解题思路



把握首句,这样就可以迅速找到文章所要论证的观点,进而理解全文的主旨大意。英语议论文中绝大部分首句就是全文的论点,而且通常每段的首句就是主题句(topic sentence)。因此抓住每段的首句是非常重要的。

【例1How many times has this happened to youYou're trying to pass a crowded sidewalkAnd someone talking or texting on a cell phone slows you downor worse,(75_______you

What if we could put these multi taskers(一心二用的人)into their own lanefreeing up half of the sidewalk for pedestrians(行人)who are paying attention

That's the idea behind the new show Mind Over MassesThe show created a separate lane on a WashingtonDC sidewalk for those who wanted to look at their phoneswhile the other lane was for 76_______walkersIt was part of a behavior experiment by the National Geographic Channel in the US

Howeverthe experiment didn't really work77_______it could have because a lot of phone users didn't notice the markings at all "it's no surprise walkers didn't notice the lanes because they were78_______looking at their phones"said Yahoo

Checking phones on the go is just one of a few annoying things about modern mobile phone usageBelow are some phone etiquettes(礼仪) tips provided by the Guardian

You should reply to messagesit's very frustrating to text a friend who takes a long time to replyyet79_______to update their statuses(状态)on their social networking sites in the meantime

You should pick a nice ringtoneNo one appreciates it when an annoying ringtone breaks into what they're doing.

You should not visit someone's home and immediately ask for Wi-FiDo you seriously want to climb over the back of the couchgrab the router(路由器),and read the Wi-Fi password off the back of it?(80_______go to your friend's homedrink and eat what your host gives you and chat face to face

75 A runs away

B runs out of

C runs into

D runs after

76 A slower

B quicker

C more careful

D more patient

77 A as well as

B as soon as

C as good as

D as long as

78 A too afraid

B too busy

C too careful

D too difficult

79 A fails

B succeeds

C manages


80 A Instead

B Instead of

C In addition

DIn return


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