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  • 更新时间2020/5/30 10:34:47
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In China, children like to make promises by hooking pinkies with each other. They say, A pinkie promise must be  1  for 100 years. Then they may press their thumbs together to complete the promise. Sometimes, couples will hook pinkies and promise to be together forever. 

There are many theories(推测) on the origin of the pinkie promise. Some say it comes from a nursery rhyme.  2  say it was introduced from the West-born out of a love story where a man and a woman hooked fingers. 

One theory is that it may have something to do with the role of fingers in Chinese culture. The Chinese character for finger also means aim() (referring to people's thoughts). So hooking fingers can be seen as the exchanging of  3 .  

Therefore, the fingers play a(n)  4  role in making an oath(盟约): They can not only be used to complete a promise, but also be cut for making a blood oath. When someone swears to heaven, he uses his  5  to point to the sky. 

 6 , hooking fingers means making a serious promise. In some movies, a person who breaks a promise may have his little finger cut  7 ! Of course, this kind of thing is not very likely to happen in real life. But we can still see  8  important pinkie promises can be. So next time, when you hook pinkies with someone, you'd better be careful with your promise! 

(  )1.A.recorded      B.kept      C.remained

(  )2.A.The other B.Another   C.Others

(  )3.A.promises      B.gifts     C.thoughts

(  )4.A.ancient       B.important C.pleasant

(  )5.A.head      B.hand      C.finger

(  )6.A.Generally B.Suddenly  C.Simply

(  )7.A.over      B.into      C.off

(  )8.A.what      B.how       C.when



Are you a happy person or an unhappy person?

If you're an unhappy person, please remember that happiness is a choice.9.     What you need to do is to make some changes. 

Unhappy people are more likely to believe that life is hard. They see themselves as victims of life when something bad happens to them. Yes, as is known to all, life can be hard.10.      

Unhappy people are more likely to believe that most people can't be trusted. They don't think strangers can be trusted. Unfortunately this thought slowly starts to prevent them from meeting new people. 11.     In this way, you can make more friends, who can increase your happiness. 

Unhappy people like comparing themselves with others and feel jealous. 12.     This is wrong. Instead you should get inspired and try to achieve more. Learn to believe in unlimited possibilities. Don't get upset and think that somebody's luck limits your possible outcome in life. 

Unhappy people consider their future with worry and fear. 13.     Unhappy people fill the head space with worry and fear. How can you be happy if you are always in worry or fear? When fear or worry crosses your mind, ask yourself if there is an action you can take to prevent your fear or worry from happening. If there isn't, just lay it down because worry or fear does you no good at all. 

Everyone will probably swim in negative waters once in a while, but what matters is how long you stay there. Follow the ways mentioned above and then you will be much happier.

A.But you should have a positive attitude towards life instead of complaining all the time.

B.There is only so much space between your ears. 

C.You can choose to be happy.

D.Instead, you should believe in the good in people and stay open and friendly towards people you meet.

E.They believe that someone else's luck is stolen from their own.

F.You can make yourself happily if you do these from now on.

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