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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版
  • 适用年级九年级
  • 文件大小955 K
  • 更新时间2019/10/22 14:45:32
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Module 12检测卷

限时:60分钟 满分:100

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1Being honest is the first________if you want to make friends with others.

Astep     Btime     Cjob  Dhand

2At the end of the lectureI'd like to divide all the students________small discussion


Afor     Bon      Cinto  Dwith

3________pollution is a serious problem to the government.

AWhat to deal with         BHow to do with

CWhat to do              DHow to deal with

4He is never________though he has a poor life.

Ahope     Bhopeful      Chopeless  Dhoping

5—The cars give off a lot of waste gas into the air.

—Yes.People should take steps to________air pollution.

Areuse     Breduce      Crecycle     Drepeat

6—DamingI hate to say thisbut the computer has been on for the whole morning.

—OhMumI'll________it off.

Aget     Btake      Cswitch     Dput

7It's no use________them about it.

Atell     Bto tell      Ctelling  Dtells

8These are plastic bags.Don't________

Athrow away it     Bthrow it away

Cthrow away them  Dthrow them away

9—Playing video games is a waste of time.

—I can't agree more. There are ________ meaningful things to do.

  Athe most   Bthe least  Cmore   Dless

10Many children are left alone in the countryside. Let's try our best ________ them.

  Ahelp   Bhelping   Cto help   Dhelps

11—Jane, your bedroom is so dirty.

—Sorry, I'll ________

Aclean up it              Bclean it up

Cclean them up           Dclean up them

12My brother isn't a child ________

 Amore                Blonger 

Cany more             Dno more

13Reading in bed is ________ your eyes. You'd better not do that.

Ahelpful to             Bgood for

Charmful to            Dharm to

14If you want to change the world, you have to ________ yourself first.

Aenjoy              Bcheck  

Chelp               Dchange

15—How fine the weather isWhy don't we go out for a picnic?

—________Let's go!

ANo, thanks            BNice idea 

CWith pleasure          DThank you

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