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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版
  • 适用年级九年级
  • 文件大小925 K
  • 更新时间2019/10/22 14:40:50
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Unit 2

总分:30  时间:20分钟


1Do you know the manThe man is picking up the waste paper.(用who改写句子)

Do you know the man ______ ______ up the waste paper?

2The novel is very interestingI read it yesterday.(用which改写句子)

The novel ______ I ______ yesterday is very interesting

3Do you like the animalThe animal looks like a big house.(用which改写句子)

Do you like the animal ______ ______ like a big house?

4The girl in a red hat is my sister.(改为同义句)

The girl ______ ______ a red hat is my sister

5China is a great country that has a long history.(改为同义句)

China is a great country ______ a long history


1—Can you show me______the computer?

—Of course

Ahow use          Bwhat use

Chow to use        Dwhat to use

2The school is______my home

Aclose from        Bfar from

Cfar to            Dfar away

3______it was rainingshe still went to work on time

ABecause            BIf

CEven though        DWhen

4—I won the long jump yesterday


ANo problem!        BI hope so

CThat's OK!          DCongratulations to you!

5The boy______won first prize is a______ boy

Athat15 years old        Bwho15 years old

Cwho15­year­old        Dwhich15­year­old




Rules of entry

1Those who enter the competition must be under the age of 18

2To enter the competition you must send in three photographs of animals which you have taken yourselfBoth you and a parent must sign the form below which states that no one else has taken the photographs

3Below each photograph must be a sentence that describes the photo

4The last date for photographic entries is 31st August of this year

5All photos must be in colour

6Photos must not be more than 21×21 centimetres in size

7Photos should be sent toThe Danford MirrorMirror Newspapers,45 Wingate StreetDanfordRBW25XT

The winning photographs

·The winner of the competition will be the person who sends in the best photographs and the best descriptions of the photos

·The winner will receive an Olympic 500 cameraHe/She will also be invited to take pictures for The Danford Mirror for a period of three monthsHe/She will be paid for this

·Second prize is an Olympic 200 camera

·Third prize is an Olympic 100 camera

·The winning photographs will be announced on 31st October of this year at Longbridge School in Danford at 7 pm

·The winner of last year's photographic competition will present the prizes

·The winning photos will be shown on screen and Mike Bronsona photographer for Mirror Newspaperswill discuss with them

1You can enter the competition if you are ______

Aat the age of 16        B19 years old

C18 years old           Dat any age

2You must sign a form to say that ______ have taken the photographs

Ayou                      Byour parents

Cyou and your parents        Dyour friends

3Each photograph must have ______

Aa description         Bone or two sentences

Ca form              Da price

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