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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版
  • 适用年级八年级
  • 文件大小923 K
  • 更新时间2019/10/22 11:23:31
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Unit 2


1.  A B       of China (舌尖上的中国) is a Chinese documentary television series on the history of food, eating, and cooking.

2.  I loved to play h        and seek when I was a little girl.

3.  The crowd began t            stones at the prisoner.

4.  What s               clothes you’re wearing! You look like a Rubber Duck.

5.  After the operation, you won’t be in great p             any more.



One day, a little boy and his father went out after dinner. While they 1.             (have) a walk in the park, it suddenly 2.            (begin) to rain. They didn’t have raincoats, so they 3.        (get) very wet soon. The little boy 4.         (feel) unhappy. While they 5.           (walk) home in the rain, the boy thought of something. Then he turned to his father and 6.        (ask), “Why does it rain, Daddy? Do you think it is nice?”

“It wasn’t nice. But it is very 7.            (use),” answered his father. “It 8.         (rain) to make crops and vegetables grow for us, and to make grass grow for cows and sheep.”

The boy thought for a few seconds, and then he said, “Then, why does it rain on the road too, Daddy?”



1. I met Mr. Green            I was walking around in the garden.

2. The children were running to move the bag of rice         they heard the sound of a motor bike.

3.           we were talking, the teacher came in.

4.           the teacher came in, we were talking.

5.  They were singing               we were dancing.



1. 我的双腿还疼痛着呢。

    Both my legs are still               .

2. 我想给我刚拔掉的智齿拍张照片。

    I want to                  my wisdom tooth which is just removed.

3. 当它又咬我的时候,我正试图把他捡起来。

    I                        when it               again.

4. 他一进来,狗就开始摇头摆尾。

_________________________ he got inside, the dog shook himself.

5. 地震的时候,他没有从屋子里爬出来,而是躲在了桌子底下。

    When the earthquake happened, he                   the house but                     .



I love to roller-skate, although I really couldn’t skate well until a few years ago. I began skating at my neighborhood skating rink(滑冰场). Every Monday night a group of young people would __1__ at the rink. It seemed that __2__ else in the group could skate well and most of them could __3__ skate backwards. But not me. In the end, I told myself: I’m going to learn to skate backward. It took a while, but my hard work finally paid off. I could skate backwards!

__4__ I hadn’t been to the rink for a couple of weeks, no one in my group of skating friends knew about my new skill. I looked forward to showing it __5__ to them. Another Monday night finally came. As I turned round, I felt a little shaky, and I almost __6__ my balance. But I didn’t fall. I picked up speed, and all my friends cheered me on.

Feeling a little__7__, I started skating a little too fast. I made the turns a little too wide. Suddenly I realized that I was out of __8__, and I knocked into the rink wall. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

But along with the __9__ pain of my accident, I felt the pain of shame. Before opening my eyes, I already __10__ that my friends were laughing at me. When I came to my senses, though, my friends were helping me get up to my skates again. And not one of them was laughing at me. A few of them even __11__ me, “Keep going! You’re doing well,” they said.

That day I learned a very important lesson. Falling is part of any leaning __12__. And picking yourself up and going on, is too.

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