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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版
  • 适用年级八年级
  • 文件大小925 K
  • 更新时间2019/10/22 11:22:37
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Unit 3


1. I                       (fly) a kite when it suddenly began to rain.

2. Would you please                (not look) out of the window?

3.  I heard the children                  (play) in the yard when I arrived home.

4. Look! The dog                  (lie) under the tree.

5. –When            he              (borrow) this book?

–Last month.

–Has he ever read it?

–Yes, he                      (read) it here at this time yesterday afternoon.

–When                    he                      (return) the book?

–I guess in a week

–Please call me when he                 (give) it back.




1.  He was feeding his dog in the dining room at 7 yesterday morning. (对划线部分提问)


2.  He was feeding his dog in the dining room at 7 yesterday morning. (对划线部分提问)


3.  He was feeding his dog in the dining room at 7 yesterday morning. (对划线部分提问)


4. We cleaned the classroom after school. (改为过去进行时)




1.  嘲笑别人不礼貌。


2.  老板走进会议室,员工们都不讲话了。

The employees                                  when the boss came into the meeting room.

3.  木兰的故事代代相传。

    The story of Mulan passes                                              

4.  这是我一生中去过的最蠢的茶话会。

    This is                                            I’ve been to in all my life.



It was my first day at school and I felt nervous and afraid. I went to all my classes alone. I felt like   1    cared. I listened to all the lessons and patiently waited for the lunch break. Then finally the bell rang and it was time to talk and have    2   . While waiting   3  , I met a new friend who wore a headscarf(头巾). We got along    4  , and I was so happy when she said, "Sit with us at our table." She pointed to the one next to the door. I agreed, and took my plate and was about to walk with her   5   the floor, when suddenly I felt someone touching me. "Hey, I saw you on the bus," said a tall girl in a long skirt. "I see you wear a Jewish(犹太的) necklace. You   6   sit with us."

At that moment I    7    and, to my surprise, I found that it was like the nations of the world: the Spanish only sat with the Spanish, the Americans were only with the  8  , the Russians were always with the Russians, and     9     would the Arabs and the Jews sit together.   

It was then that I saw the reason why so many wars begin. Everyone stayed with other people of     10    background. The lunchroom was like a map of the world. Why was everyone so blind?

    So I     11     this girl, and returned to the first girl. They were all very friendly. That day I

  12    a bridge between two worlds when I sat with those who were different from me.

1. A. everyone         B. anyone           C. no one           D. someone

2. A. fun              B. trouble             C. supper             D. rest

3. A. on line              B. in line         C. in classroom     D. in rain

4. A. good             B. bad              C. well             D. badly

5. A. to              B. along            C. around           D. across

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