Unit 1 This is me!
1. be able to write an article to introduce himself to the others.
2. Master some expression in this period and learn how to write an article.
Get the Ss to rewrite an article according to a model.
1.be able to write an article to introduce himself to the others.
2.Master some expression in this period and learn how to write an article.
Tape- recorder;multimedia
Working in groups
Step I 复习
1. 让学生做课前报告,用几句话介绍自己,预热本课学习任务: Before we read Daniel’s profiles, I’d like to ask several volunteers to come to the front and say something about yourselves.
2. 张贴Daniel的挂图,让学生注意挂图上的人物:This is Daniel. What do you know about him?
Step II 呈现
1. 将以下问题写在幻灯片上并呈现给学生:
What is his name?
What does he like to do?
How old is he?
How does he look like?
让学生思考这些问题,根据问题进行讨论:I think you can remember something about her. Look at the screen and think about the questions.
2. 学生了解问题之后,让他们听录音,回答问题并填写表格:OK. Let’s listen to the tape, answer the questions and fill in the profile. Close your books, please.
3. 打开书核对答案,然后解释其中两个难点:talk on the phone和talk with。让学生齐声朗读文章:Now let’s read aloud.
4. 让学生用线画出文中自己认为有用的单词、短语和句子,以便用在自己的个人简介中。
Step III呈现
张贴Daniel的教学挂图,准备学习第二篇文章。请参考Step II 的教学步骤。
Step IV 练习
1. 引导学生讨论写自我的介绍的几个环节: Do you know how to write about yourselves in a student profile? 给学生提供以下步骤供参考。
First, you should write about your name, age and where you live.
Second, you should write about how you look like.
Third, introduce your hobby.
Last, you can write about what you often do.
2. 让学生完成教材第16页上的表格。鼓励学生尽可能多地增加信息,并且可以使用自己的语言。
3. 学生完成后,先在四人小组中交流,互相检查其他组员所填的内容,仔细阅读他人的信息,注意吸收运用。
4. 展示若干学生的表格,可以忽略一些小错误,避免挫伤学生的写作积极性。
Step V写作
1. 自由写作。分发白纸,让学生摆脱课本,尽量综合运用所学知识,在他所填写的表格的基础上形成一篇有自己特色的文章:Now write a passage about yourself on the paper. Try to use your own words.
2. 如果时间允许,选几篇优秀作文当范文朗读。若时间不够,可留作家庭作业。