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  • 文件大小1258 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/22 19:37:54
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满分:150分         时间:120分钟
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Listening test (30 scores)
I. Listen to five questions or sentences and choose the correct responses according to what you’ve heard. Each question or sentence will be read twice. (5 scores)
1. A. So what?          B. What a pity!     C. Good luck!      D. My pleasure.
2. A. Never mind.           B. That’s right.       C. You’re welcome.    D. Don’t worry.
3. A. It’s very cold.          B. It’s sunny today.       C. It’s fine.         D. It’s 5.
4. A. Poor him!         B. It’s not my problem.    C. Come on!            D. That’s OK.
5. A. Last Sunday.          B. In three days.       C. Every morning.      D. Yesterday.
II. Listen to 4 sentences and choose the right picture according to what you’ve heard. Each sentence will be read twice. (4 scores)
A.                 B.                  C.                 D.
6.                      7.                      8.                      9.       
III. listen to six short dialogues and answer the following questions. Each dialogue will be read twice. (6 scores)
10. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. They’re workmates.                      B. They’re boss and secretary.
C. They’re friends.                        D. They’re strangers.
11. What’s the man doing at the moment?
A. Watching TV.                             B. Playing in a football match.
C. Preparing for the final exam.                D. Playing with the woman.
12. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Mike never does the housework at home.
B. Mike’s mother is very good at cooking at home.
C. Mike’s sister does the washing-u p after meals every day.
D. Everybody in Mike’s family helps with housework.
13. What was Jane do ing last Sunday?
A. She was preparing for her math exam.     B. She was having a birthday party.
C. She went to her friend’s birthday party.        D. We don’t know.
14. What musical instrument can James play?
A. The piano            B. The violin           C. The guitar           D. Nothing
15. What is the woman going to do this Saturday?
A. She’s going to go fishing with the man.
B. She’s going to go sailing alone.
C. She’s going to take her photography class with the man.
D. She’s going to take some photos of the man.
IV. Listen to a long conversation carefully and judge the following statements true or false. If it’s true, choose A; if it’s false, choose B. It will be read three times. (5 scores)
16. The man will have piano lessons on Friday evening.
17. The man and the woman are going to watch a movie on Thursday night.
18. “The Orange Tree” is actually a restaurant.
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