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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级九年级
  • 文件大小660 K
  • 更新时间2019/4/17 16:49:24
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课时训练(十五) Units 1—2(九全)
Wikie is a 14-year-old whale living in France. She is an orca(虎鲸), or a killer whale. Killer whales are very smart. They can even be trained to “speak” the human language.
Wikie is one of those smart killer whales. A group of international researchers have taught Wikie to repeat human words. Now she can say words like “hello”, “bye-bye” and the name “Amy”. She also repeats numbers as well as sounds made by humans. Wikie is a quick learner. She is able to mimic(模仿) a word or sound after just 10 tries.
Although Wikie is able to mimic human words and sounds, that does not mean she can understand them.Josep Call is the co-author of the study. He told TheGuardian that there is no evidence (证据) that Wikie understands what “hello” stands for.
In the wild, killer whales live in groups. Each group uses different sounds and calls to communicate with each other. To everyone’s surprise, one killer whale even learnt to communicate with a dolphin while living with it.
Killer whales can still make a sound that comes close to what other different animals can make. Only human beings have this ability. The discovery is amazing.
Scientists say that this mimicking ability is very important. Animals can get used to changes more easily and increase their chances of survival(生存).
1.From the first paragraph, we learn about killer whales are     .  
A.thin B.smart C.lazy D.useful
2.What can Wikie do according to the passage?
A.She can dance to music.
B.She can repeat human words.
C.She can understand human words.
D.She can mimic human’s action.
3.From the third paragraph, we know     . 
A.Wikie can’t understand the meaning of human words
B.Wikie just can repeat some human words
C.Wikie can communicate with some human words
D.Wikie can mimic human actions
4.Which discovery is amazing?
A.Killer whales can mimic other different animals’ sound.
B.Killer whales like living in groups.
C.Killer whales get used to changes more easily.
D.Killer whales can communicate with human beings.
5.What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Wikie’s unusual ability
B.A study about killer whales
C.The importance of mimicking ability
D.How to communicate with each other
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